Monday, October 22, 2012

Nadia Revision & old ideations

Nadia revised

- I made her hair more wild and big
- removed her shoes
- added ribbons
-made her arms shorter and hands smaller
-Adjusted nose. No longer button nosed
-Softened her face
-chiseled the nose bridge, brow bone

Old ideations (because mike asked us to upload)


  1. Yeah I think she looks a lot better like this :D I like her a lot, I can't really think of anything to change about her. But we will see what everyone else has to say.

  2. Cool! This version is looking much better. :)
    I really like the eagle one and the long version out of the ones you did for the talismans.

  3. im liking this version much better! i like the way you've resolved her hair!

  4. Love it! Whimsical, fitting, fun design :)

    I know this is just a design sketch... but the pose looks pretty stiff... so i would try to loosen up the pose a bit for when you go to paint it.
