Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tahama Refined Sketch

Here's the updated Tahama drawing.  I will add the Chief as soon as I finish it.  Hopefully I've addressed some of the crits you guys have pointed out.  Let me know what you think.


  1. Needs a little work on the right arm.

  2. Are those whole small birds hanging off of his neck decoration?

  3. that is correct, it's a reed wreath, with stuffed dried birds.

  4. I think this design is bombslammin, man. I couldn't be happier

  5. With how humid the jungle is, I think the birds would rot really fast. There was a description in the book talking about how things would spoil really fast if it wasn't eaten.

    My personal opinion is that there is so many interesting parts to him, I don't really know where to look. It is possible to make one or two things on him stand out more by downplaying some of the other features? Maybe try taking out some elements? The birds kind of block the overall shape of the torso, which I felt was something I really liked. I originally thought those birds were feathers in the first sketch.

    1. Sorry if I'm being too negative, I do like it though. :x

  6. lol I like the birds. I agree, I really like this design. What exactly is he wearing on his head?

  7. I referenced the birds off an amazon head-dress, didn't just make that up. They dried them and treated them with something akin to cornmeal, I'd imagine some sort of sodium element would also work.

    I pushed the hair on the head to give it an interesting shape, perhaps I pushed it a bit much though. If I cut down how high the top two "horns" of the hair point I think it might look more like hair.

    As far as too many points of interest, I think once I push the back arm/leg back in space by darkening it as well as some of the other elements it will be clearer.

  8. Do you happen to have a picture of the headdress? I'm interested in seeing the real thing. lol

  9. just out of curiosity, what is he wearing on his back?

  10. I think he may have a little too much going on. Personally, I'd tone down the bracelets so his strong arms flow nicer. I like the dead birds!

    1. Ok, I'll lose the bracelets, the thing on his back is the dart quiver, and the calabash husk is where they keep the wool to fletch the darts. And yeah Danny, I'll email you the picture.
