Thursday, October 25, 2012

Waterfall Progress


Right Side

Left Side

Simplified Version

Top 3/4

Its drifting from Nathan's drawings the more I try to find those rocky forms. 

opinions or advice? 

Here's the scale of the mountain to the Morpheus rig, plus a block out for where the water will be flowing.


  1. First thing, it's cool~!!

    In "Right Side", I think the shapes of those 4 pieces are even, the size, shape, and the space in between them. it also looks thin that seems pretty crispy, to me.
    hope it helps to improve it!

  2. Yeah that's looking cool. Looks like you may have interpreted the isometric drawing I did a bit differently for the actual waterfall part of the cliffside though. I'll post a realy quick value version to show the forms a bit more.
