Thursday, November 1, 2012

color comps


Here's a quick revision of the second one with more blues in the palette

here's some color comps i worked on. posting two versions with and without plants in the foreground. do you guys think any of these are working?


  1. I think the second and the third works the best for me. Do you have a mood in mind when you did these? It would help when working with color.

    1. It would really help to say what you were trying to convey. We all can all inject what we think we want people to feel when they look at these color studies, but you have to know firsthand.

      That being said, the second one feels like around sunset. While the third one feels like sunrise, not quite the break of dawn, but a little after. :)

  2. These are really pretty :D I like the first and second a lot!

  3. Well I wanted to try to convey that moment of anticipation and anxiety nadia has before deciding to climb the waterfall. I feel like that is conveyed more in the second one.

    As for the sunrise conflict, I found that they look pretty similar to sunsets. That's why on the third one I tried on a little after the break of dawn.

    Do you think the second one may read as dawn better if I incorporate some blues in the sky?

  4. Fade out the pink object in the background to the right of the waterfall. You also need some contrast from the waterfall from the rocks. You could but some blues and add some pink/reddish rim light.

  5. Looking good. Is the base of the mountain coming out of the water? I'll need to adjust for that if that's the intention.

  6. Looking good. Is the base of the mountain coming out of the water? I'll need to adjust for that if that's the intention.

  7. you mean the base of the surrounding cliffsides, or the base of the waterfall? the waterfall is surrounded by water but the surrounding cliff sides are not.
