Monday, November 12, 2012

ManYee's Background (UPDATED.)

Hi Joelle,

it's the ending frame of my animation with a fixed camera, but it's not you gonna put into your new piece, I talk about it later in this post.

you can see the picture of your illustration is a little bit changed in Maya because of the perspective camera. they can't match perfectly..

***I think the best way to do it now,

1. first,  you would need to focus on  the area that shows in my animation from your old moment piece you showed on Friday, since I used that as a reference for my background.  refine/ revise it more. (hopefully you can get this done by Wednesday? so you will have Thursday to work on the "big picture")

-for the background I am framing now, it needs to add more on the left side and the bottom, It shows the grey background. and please take out the character for my animation background, it is not necessary for my animation part, and it might be distracting.

-please download and use the picture below(with original size), and don't change the proportion and the picture ratio, so I can keep things in the same places when I take a new picture from Maya camera.

2. When you get it done, post it to sever or send it to me, and then I will put the new one into Maya and make a new snapshot. at this stage, the ending pose won't change anymore, so you can paint over in your illustration that this time.

3. Then I will send you a new snapshot with the revised background. you can merge that with the old one and refine/revise it. or you can expand the canvas size of my snapshot to make a new one.

*** the final illustration can still have characters, but you will need 2 version of the final piece, one without and one with character on it .
we can first zoom out to the one with empty environment, and then "fade-in" to the one with characters on it.



  1. Thanks ManYee. I will get started on this. I think this will help a lot :)

  2. yay, you're welcome! just to clarify, the green square line is the frame,you don't have to go too far from that line, save time.
    and thanks for making me a pretty background :)

  3. oh, and you could make larger pixel(s) if you want, it's 1600X1600 now, might be too small to get better detail. ;)
