Monday, October 22, 2012

Mokarita Refined 3

Here's a quick cut and paste job to address some comments David Teas made.  Mainly that it looked like they could naturally move around the jungle with these headdresses, but that the headdress didn't look sturdy enough to justify that.  So I beefed up the headdress a bit by filling it in with more feathers.  If people like this idea better, I will do a full redraw and probably add some cross stiching through the feathers to give it an even sturdier look, so that it feels appropriate for the kind of beating it might take.
Here's some backup designs to reflect Joelle's comments about the crown being unwieldy.  Let me know which design you guys prefer.  I added one at the top where I cut down the feathers, so the crown is more vertical rather than horizontal, dunno if it will play though.
I like this one better than just with one feather, but I dunno if it's going to be still to clumsy.

Least clumsy version, also least interesting.
Still like this one better than the other two.
Here's a side by side for the changes I made in size.


  1. I really like him :D I love how structural he is. I have one comment about the head dress. I can't really remember if he was wearing it in the scene, so that may solve this, but I'm thinking along the lines of what might be asked. Bunny and or Courtney might ask how he is climbing the waterfall with such a huge thing on his head. I love the head dress, just wondering if they might ask it lol

  2. It is in the scene, right after he is saved he gives one of the feathers to Alex. I could change it, but I feel like it would be less interesting with a smaller headdress. I can do another version just in case, cause I know it will probably be asked.

    1. I'm working on a version using a backup headdress, have it up in a bit.

    2. Ok I was just wondering. I really like the way it is now, but I guess having a back up would be good too.

  3. I actually agree with you on that the original version looks a lot more interesting than the other two. I think it's because there is a feeling of being bigger than life that the other two are lacking. What I like about the feathers is how designed they are with the square off edges.
    What was weird about it is how Mokarita would move like how they were described to move through the jungle without all those feathers being caught in the dense foliage.

    The huge single feather sticking out in the newer version kind of makes it more comical if anything. And it takes it away from what you might want it to feel.

    What happens if you fold the original design of the headdress so it's not so horizontal? Maybe take out some of the large feathers on the top.

    1. By fold, do you mean take some of the feathers and make them point up? Rather than stick out?

    2. I added one that I cut down the feathers a bit.

  4. What I meant is what if you have them conform to the head? I feel like at the moment, if you turn his head sideways, it becomes a line. Think of how you would make a simple paper hat by taping the ends together.
