Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mokarita Turn Around for Animators (Updated)

Here's a fixed version of the turn around with hopefully everything you guys need.  If theres something wrong with it please give me a call and I'll try again.

Here's a backup crown for animation.  I don't really have time to redesign and turn this around , but it's a fairly simple design that just wraps around his head.  See below reference which I based it off of.

Reference I used to design the above crown.

Old Turn Around, Don't use.


  1. lol! On a side note, I like the plumber's crack.

  2. Alex, whenever making turnarounds please double check that your spine is straight. This is causing some modeling annoyances on the back view.

    1. Hey Chris, sorry I had no idea you would be modeling it. Thought it was just going to be used for the animation rig. I'll try to get it fixed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm making the props at the moment. Centered turnarounds just make the process go faster.

      Thanks for the update!

  3. Thanks for the update of the feathered crown! It looks great. :)
